About Me
Antonio Fittipaldi is an Italian artist who began his artistic career at a young age. He was born in Sapri in the Cilento National Park and lived there until adulthood. When he moved to Lago Maggiore in Northern Italy in the 1980s, he continued his research on color and matter, producing mainly abstract works. Throughout his career, he has performed several solo and collective exhibitions, receiving many acknowledgements in Italy and abroad. Some of the cities where he has exhibited include Milan, Mantua, Venice, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, and Paris. His personal style is distinguished by the light that his works emanate, strong in colors and matter.
Antonio Fittipaldi allows himself to be enchanted by an idyllic moment, conveying to the viewer that intangible energetic moment in which substance is enveloped in light that seems to dissolve into the day, and invention (candid and overwhelming) is no longer naturalistic imitation, but aspires to become an evocative accent transfiguring reality.